Women’s Salon & Spa
Monday to Friday 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM saturday - sunday 9 AM to 9:30 PM


  • About Beauty
  • Facial
  • Hand & Feet
  • Body Wax
  • Bleach
  • Threading & Trimming

About Beauty

A facial is one of the best ways to take care of your face skin, especially when it’s comes with the experience and knowledge of a professional. It not only cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin, but also makes the complexion well-hydrated to make the skin look younger.

We at T-Jesvi understand the importance of your skin and take extra care in handling the same. Just a glimpse of what we do at our salon will give you an idea how our experts make that extra effort in improving your look.

Although it varies from person to person, one should get a facial done once a month. Moreover, whenever there is a season change, it is recommended that you go for a facial.


A facial is one of the best ways to take care of your face skin, especially when it’s comes with the experience and knowledge of a professional. It not only cleans, exfoliates and nourishes the skin, but also makes the complexion well-hydrated to make the skin look younger.

We at T-Jesvi understand the importance of your skin and take extra care in handling the same. Just a glimpse of what we do at our salon will give you an idea how our experts make that extra effort in improving your look.

Although it varies from person to person, one should get a facial done once a month. Moreover, whenever there is a season change, it is recommended that you go for a facial.

Hand & Feet

Manicure has become a trend in the present times. The bride’s hands will be very much visible and the centre of attraction on the wedding day.

A manicure is a cosmetic beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands performed in a nail salon. A manicure consists of filing and shaping of the free edge, pushing (with cuticle pusher) and clipping (with cuticle nippers) any nonliving tissue (limited to cuticle and hangnails), treatments, massage of the hand and the application of polish.

There are variety of designs available at T-Jesvi Nail Bar. You can have pleasant manicure done by our experts.

A pedicure is a superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails. It provides a similar service to a manicure. Pedicures are done for cosmetic, therapeutic and medical purposes, and can help prevent nail diseases and nail disorders. They are extremely popular throughout the world, primarily among women.

There are variety of designs available at T-Jesvi Nail Bar. You can have pleasant manicure done by our experts.

Body Wax

Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal which removes the hair from the root. There are many benefits to waxing versus other forms of hair removal. It is an effective method to remove large amounts of hair at one time.[3] It is a long-lasting method. Hair in waxed areas will not grow back for two to eight weeks. When hair is shaved or removed by depilatory cream, the hair is removed at the surface rather than the root. Within a few days, the hair can be seen at the surface. With these methods, hair tends to grow back in a rough stubble. Areas that are repeatedly waxed over long periods of time often exhibit regrowth that is softer.

Waxing is safer than other options as it avoids that risk of nicks, cuts and razor burn that comes with using razors. However, it is important that the products used for waxing are made from natural ingredients. As extensive use of topical hair removal creams called depilatories can cause harm to your skin. Here comes the importance of opting for a good salon with trustworthy experts. At T-Jesvi Salon & Spa, experts take extra caution and always opt for natural products.


Bleaching is generally used to lighten up their skin that have been affected by discolouration and pigmentation issues. Creams are generally used to do the purpose. People having direct exposure to the sun often experience this type of skin condition, and there are many products out there that claim to treat skin discoloration.

One of the important things to consider before using a bleaching cream is to make sure that it is devoid of any harmful side effects. The creams used for bleaching are generally used for the treatment of age spots, acne scars, or discoloration of skin as a result of hormonal changes. Moreover, constant or direct exposure to the sun often impacts some areas like the face and hands and they suffer from discolouration. We at T-Jesvi use recommended creams which are free from side effects.

Threading & Trimming

Unwanted facial hair growth can be quite troublesome. An ancient method of hair removal. Threading is done by almost every woman in the world. Here a thin (cotton or polyester) thread is doubled, then twisted and then rolled over areas of unwanted hair, plucking the hair at the follicle level. At T-Jesvi Salon, we have best beauty professionals who carry out the works in a proper manner.